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5th Annual
Ozark Memories Day



September 21, 2024
Dover High School Auditorium
101 Pirates Loop- Dover

Check-in from 2:00pm - 2:45pm       Pageant starts at 3:00pm

Deadline: September 13

ENTRY FEE IS $35 ~ OVERALL SUPREME: $10 (optional) 

Judging and Conduct: Judges will be looking for facial beauty, personality, stage presence, modeling ability (ages 7 & up) and the contestants overall appearance. The judges will deduct points for excessive make-up or inappropriate clothing; NO fake enhancements allowed. For the Little Miss/Mister competition, judges will not count off for missing teeth, bruises, braces or anything else that a child normally encounters during childhood. The pageant Director will pick qualified and impartial judges and their names will not be released before the pageant. Good conduct and sportsmanship is expected at all times during the
contest and throughout the reign of each queen. Bad sportsmanship from a contestant, family member, supporter, or queen will result in disqualification and/or relinquishing of that queen’s title. Bad attitudes and language will NOT be tolerated.

Age Groups and Information: Boys ages 0-3 years and 4-UP; Girls ages 0-18 months, 19-35 months, 3-4 years, 5-6 years, 7-8 years, 9-10 years,11-13 years, 14-16 years, 17-20 years, and 21 & UP. Contestant must compete as age the day of the pageant. If your child is crowned a king/queen, please stay after the pageant for a short meeting regarding parade information and pictures. The director has the right to combine or split any age division according to the number of entries received by the deadline.

Attire and Dressing Rooms: Girl and Boy Contestants will compete in Pageant/Formal attire. Girls may wear pageant/formal dresses or flower girl type dress. Long or short formals are allowed. Boys will wear suits or tuxedos. Please note that there is limited amount of space in the dressing rooms, so please come as ready as possible. No more than one guest is allowed in the dressing room with the contestant.

Contestant Prizes: Contestant prizes will be awarded the day of the pageant. Each division winner will receive a prize package consisting of crown, sash, and other gifts. There will be a 1st and 2nd Alternate awarded in each age division.

One contestant will be awarded the Overall Supreme Winner. This is the contestant with the overall highest score from all contestant who entered. To be eligible for the overall title there is an additional $10 fee and this is optional.

All king/queens will represent the Ozark Memories Days festival; during the year at requested events and will be expected to ride in the 2024 Ozark Memories Day Parade on Saturday September 28 at 10am. Information will be given after the pageant.

Please submit payment for each event entering and submit your registration form for your official entry!!

There will also be a Crowd Favorite Category based off of Ticket Sales!! 


Tickets will be emailed to you upon request or can be printed from the link below.

Modeling Pattern for Boys and Girls


            Enter Here    ->                                                       1X

                                               3X                                        2X                                    4X                     ->  Exit Here


Welcome to the OMD Beauty Pageant

Any questions about the pageant itself need to be addressed to Amanda at
479-518-6110 (call/text) or email Any questions regarding the online registration or
payment need to be addressed to Connie Ragsdale at

Queen's age (the day of the pageant)
King's age (the day of the pageant)
Overall Supreme $10 Optional

Contestants and guardians must agree that the decision of the judges will be final. All entrants understand that the pageant is not responsible for any accident or injury incurred in travel to, from and at the pageant itself. The contestant will take full responsibility for and agree to release the Dover Chamber of Commerce, Ozark Memories Day Committee, and facility from all liability for any losses, damages, or debts incurred by or made by the contestant, in connection with the pageant. Any
photo(s) of this pageant may be used by the Dover Chamber of Commerce and pageant board as advertisement and announcements. I hereby apply as a contestant for one of the titles from the OMD Pageant. I agree to abide by all the rules and regulations herein set. No refunds will be given. Bad sportsmanship and/or language will not be tolerated and could result in disqualification from this and future pageants. I agree that the pageant director may combine or split age divisions as deemed necessary according to the number of contestants on the day of the deadline. My contestant is not considered registered for the event until both entry form and fees both are submitted and received.

Select an item ($)

Thanks for registering. Submit your payment for completion of registration!!

This form no longer accepts submissions.

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